A New West African Network
CORDS and the West African Health Organisation, WAHO, joined forces this week with the fifteen West African countries in Côte d’Ivoire, to agree policies and procedures for the new West African Network, WANIDS.
The new network has been created as a result of the Ebola outbreak. Experts at the meeting chose the slogan ‘No more epidemics’ to represent their shared goal. The West African Network will build capacity by sharing data and cross boder working to detect disease earlier and to respond faster and in a better way.
The move to create the WANIDS is a direct result of the Ebola outbreak and experts at the meeting rallied around a slogan of “No more epidemics.” The aim of WANIDS is to build capacity by strengthening One-Health , data sharing and cross-border working to detect earlier, respond faster, manage and learn better.
CORDS has been funded by The Rockefeller Foundation to support WAHO in the creation of this new network.
“This is just the beginning,” said Bakary Sylla, project director for CORDS . “We will now strive together with WAHO to transfer the CORDS networks’ great experience and give the new network added momentum.”