Epidemiology in Complex Emergencies Course
Fondation Mérieux, EpiConcept and CORDS ran a five day course on Epidemiology in Complex Emergencies from June 19th to 23rd 2017. The course objectives were to strengthen participant’s knowledge and skills related to the response of communicable disease outbreaks affecting a country in the context of a complex emergency situation.
The course aimed to prepare epidemiologists to contribute to the multidisciplinary and international response to complex emergencies and to apply their epidemiological skills to serve public health interventions. A grant from Skoll Global Threats Fund covered the registration, lodging and meals for participants.
23 participants from 16 countries and the six CORDS networks and three others took part, exploring two main scenarios over the course of the week: the Haiti earthquake and subsequent cholera outbreak and the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.